FTW November 2013: Battlefield 4 Combat Training In Test Range

RDJ134 12 november 2013 om 18:06 uur

Hoewel Gtamen in zijn review vrij positief was over Battlefield 4, zijn ik en mensen om mij heen van mening dat deze titel tegen over Battlefield 3 (op de huidige consoles) een stap terug in de franchise is. Maar goed, de multiplayer daar tegen is fookin a en erg verslavend. Voor de mensen die net kennis maken met de Battlefield serie zijn er nu een aantal video's met tips om je een beetje op weg te helpen.

Battlefield 4 Executive Producer Patrick Bach talks about using the Test Range for combat training in the latest FTW interview.

Practice makes perfect when it comes to mastering the controls on Battlefield 4 and it can be difficult to train when numerous enemies are around. To assist, a new Test Range has been added to the game which provides players with an offline environment containing all vehicles and no threats. With this feature players can get to grips with infantry and vehicle controls in a safe environment, whilst honing their skills.

The Test Range maps are littered with targets which again are designed for both infantry and vehicles alike so that players get unlimited time for combat training. Newcomers to Battlefield will be encouraged to not shy away from the tricky and powerful vehicles and instead have been given the tools to become a pro on land, sea or in the air.
