Scarlett Johansson over haar rol in het MCU en The Avengers: Age of Ultron

RDJ134 29 april 2015 om 21:25 uur

Super MILF Scarlett Johansson schitterd op dit ogenblik in The Avengers: Age of Ultron en speelt ondertussen een grote rol in films van Marvel. Nu had de website Collider een interview met haar en daar in verteld ze over de aankomende Captain America film en dat Ghost in the Shell er echt gaat komen en de opnames volgend jaar al beginnen.

Collider: First of all, congratulations on the movie, I'm sure your hearing that from everyone. It must be very tough promoting a movie that everyone seems to love.

Umm... [Laughs]. You know, I haven't seen it yet, so it's very nice to hear that; instead of coming to a press junket and seeing and seeing the solemn face of every journalist that comes in and is trying to think of questions to ask your or good things to say. It's very exciting to be a part of a film that people are rooting for to begin with. I imagine for Joss [Whedon] that must be some kind of a pressure, a huge one probably, [Laughs] although he seems very relaxed in comparison making this film, and maybe that's because you do have kind of people rooting for you and that's not always the case. It's like people want us to succeed, so it's nice to be able to talk about something people either are excited to see or really pleased with.

Obviously your character is an integral part of the Marvel universe and for the foreseeable future. How much has Kevin Feige told you, 'This is where we're going with the character' and how much is it you figuring it out movie by movie?

: I think in the grand scheme of things The Widow has a greater purpose, and I think all of the characters do one way or another. There's definitely -especially with the Civil War coming up I think it's pretty clear where the pieces will fall. I think all that we've built up to this point, in regards to our characters' own individual kind of moral compass and thought process, and background, and training, and experience, will have us kind of siding one way or another. That part of it is -I know where I'm going, I'm not always sure how I'm gonna get there, and that is developed over each film.
