Tijdens de E3 van 2010 pakte Microsoft groots uit met een meer dan één uur durende pers presentatie, en daar werden ons een hoop beloftes gedaan. Maar net als in de politiek worden beloftes vaak niet na gekomen, daarom heeft de website Kotaku nu alles na gelopen en kwam het een opmerkelijk resultaat: het meeste is ook echt na gekomen.
The Xbox 360 Slim's Surprise Launch
The big surprise of Microsoft's E3 2010 keynote was the unveiling of the Xbox 360 slim, a sleek new version of the console with a "whisper quiet" 250 GB hard drive and a built-in wireless reciever. The amazing part of the announcement wasn't the hardware itself, but the release date. Spencer claimed that the Xbox 360 Slim was shipping to retailers that day and would be available in stores that week.
Verdict:They made good. The 360 slim was in stores that week.
nd What About That Star Wars: Kinect Game?
To close their Kinect presentation, Microsoft announced that Lucasarts was working on a Star Wars game for the Kinect. According to the very short gameplay clip shown, players control a jedi, deflecting lasers with a lightsaber and using the force to throw enemies and objects, before Darth Vader arrives to challenge you. The trailer revealed that the game would be released some time in 2011.
Verdict: Similar to Codename: Kingdoms, nothing has been said about this game since last year's E3 (we did get this tiny leak, though). There are seven months left in 2011, so it's a possibility. But why so quiet about this one, Microsoft?