Behind the Magic: The Visual Effects of The Mandalorian Season 2

RDJ134 19 maart 2021 om 00:11 uur

Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) is het bedrijf dat de effecten voor de Disney+ Star Wars serie The Mandalorian heeft gedaan en zoals je weet is dat van de hoogste kwaliteit. Hier over gaat de onderstaande video die je hier nu alles over verteld en laat zien, dus ram op play en enjoy.

Visual effects work on The Mandalorian was completed in all five of ILM's studios (San Francisco, Singapore, Vancouver, London, and Sydney) as well as a contingent of other vendors under ILM's supervision. The season's 8 episodes encompassed nearly 5,000 visual effects shots in addition to all of ILM's real-time effects work done for use during principal photography.

The effects team leveraged virtually every trick in the book, from miniatures and motion control to traditional puppeteering, advanced animatronics, spectacular special effects, and photo-real CG. Here's a sampling of ILM's post visual effects work done for the series that garnered ILM 13 Visual Effects Society Award nominations.
