Deletes scenes die tien film klassiekers had kunnen ruïneren

RDJ134 21 juli 2011 om 16:06 uur

Dankzij een totaal gebrek aan vrienden en een sociaal leven heb ik in de loop der jaren een grote kennis op gebouwd van Video games en films, maar dit artikel van de website heeft me verrast. Want daar in zien we dat als een aantal gedelete scènes uit een tien film klassiekers er in waren blijven zitten, deze de hele film en zijn franchise had geruïneerd. Opvallend is dat Terminator hier twee keer op voor komt, maar mijn favoriet is geworden:

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith -- Might I Suggest Fondling My Mustache?

The Deleted Scene:

As stupid as it is for them to finish each other's sentences for absolutely no reason, it gets worse when Lucas decides to let the audience know that the Jedi have a series of secret codes. Anakin and Obi Wan are surrounded by fucking droids or whatever and, to hide their plans, they communicate via a series of eyebrow rubs, nose twitches and mustache twirls, the way a baseball coach gives signals to his pitcher, except this is supposed to be a goddamned Star Wars movie.

Why It Would Have Ruined the Movie:

Let's ignore the fact that, even though Jedi are Wizard Knights with actual magic, they developed a secret language of face-touch codes. And let's ignore the fact that one of the codes is "mustache twirl," even though Anakin's lack of mustache precludes him from ever suggesting it. (Seriously, even if he thinks the mustache twirl would be the absolutely perfect maneuver in battle, he'd never be able to communicate it.)

And let's ignore the fact that, of all of the crunch-time scenarios that Jedi think might come in handy just for "whatever," one of them is "Cut a hole in the floor with our lightsabers and drop down, hoping that our new tunnel doesn't lead to certain death."

Except let's not at all ignore any of that, because it's all fucking terrible. More than anything else, this scene is remarkable because even George Lucas thought it was too stupid to be in one of the Star Wars prequels. Do you have any idea how stupid a concept needs to be for George Lucas to say, "Ehhh, we should probably cut that"?
